Luis Ángel Bolio Molina
Pediatrician in public and private practice, Mexico
I can say that the event is an excellent means to publicize and disseminate our research work that provides new knowledge for the benefit of children and neonates around the world.
Amichai Ben Ari
Ariel University, Israel
The conference was very good. I enjoyed the level of the organization and from the communication with you. Thank you very much and it was a good day.

Valerie Bryant
Relational Psychoanalyst, USA
It was an excellent conference with a wide range of solid pediatric research and practice. Thank u so much for inviting me. It’s a lot of work but successfully organized.

Svetlana Zhdanova
Russian Federation
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your wonderful webinar, which you kindly gave me! It was very interesting and informative. Different and very relevant topics were interestingly reported at this webinar. It was very interesting to see and hear speakers from different parts of the world.

Amornrat Ratanasiri
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Thank you very much for your very useful information’s. Your conference at Paris is very useful and well organize.

Ghita Hachim
Military Hospital of Rabat, Morocco
It was a pleasure for me to participate in this great event. It was an amazing experience.