Abdullah Alsagr
King Abdullaziz Medical city, Saudi ArabiaPresentation Title:
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals
differently. It is characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive
behaviors [1]. Autism is considered to be a genetically and biologically based disorder, with research
identifying several genes that contribute to increased ASD risk. These genes can now be detected in
up to 25% of cases, highlighting the genetic component of the disorder.
Abdullah AL Sagr has completed his PHD at the age of 30 years from American university of
London , USA. He is senior speech pathologist of ENT department of King Abdullaziz Medical
city, Ministry of National Guard, Saudi Arabica. He has over 20 publications that have been cited
over 200 times, and his publication h-index is 20. He has been serving as an senior speech
pathologist since 1992 up to date.