Luis Ángel Bolio Molina
Pediatrician in public and private practice, MexicoPresentation Title:
Jaundice in healthy neonates with exclusive breastfeeding
Objective: Establish the relationship between neonatal jaundice and exclusive breastfeeding by mothers with low milk production in healthy term infants without risk factors.
Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective, double-blind study, conducted in a nonprobabilistic, consecutive and, by convenience, sample of 200 healthy term infants, of both sexes, under 5 days old and with some degree of jaundice that may be due or related to low volume of colostrum produced by their mothers.
Results: They had inclusion criteria 150 infants, 80 men and 70 women. We detect jaundice in 127 (84.6%), from day 3 of life. The remaining 23 (15.4%) had jaundice at day 5 of life. The volume of colostrum produced by the mothers of newborns was lower than the average reported in the literature.
Conclusions: There is a strong relation between neonatal jaundice and exclusive breastfeeding by mothers with low production of colostrum in the first 5 days of life. Newborns who ingest a low volume of colostrum, are sub-hydrated and at greater risk of suffering from severe, jaundice and dehydration, and their respective consequences.
Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective, double-blind study, conducted in a nonprobabilistic, consecutive and, by convenience, sample of 200 healthy term infants, of both sexes, under 5 days old and with some degree of jaundice that may be due or related to low volume of colostrum produced by their mothers.
Results: They had inclusion criteria 150 infants, 80 men and 70 women. We detect jaundice in 127 (84.6%), from day 3 of life. The remaining 23 (15.4%) had jaundice at day 5 of life. The volume of colostrum produced by the mothers of newborns was lower than the average reported in the literature.
Conclusions: There is a strong relation between neonatal jaundice and exclusive breastfeeding by mothers with low production of colostrum in the first 5 days of life. Newborns who ingest a low volume of colostrum, are sub-hydrated and at greater risk of suffering from severe, jaundice and dehydration, and their respective consequences.
Luis Ángel Bolio-Molina, has been a pediatrician
for 29 years, graduated from the National Medical
Center of Mérida, Yucatán. Mexico. Since then,
he has worked in the public and private Health
Sector in Cuernavaca, Mexico. He has presented
12 research papers at National Pediatric
Congresses in Mexico and has been a speaker at
several national and regional pediatric conferences
and at three international Health Sciences
Research Congresses. He has published 10 articles
of which 7 have been cited 14 times. I am a
member of the Mexican Society of Pediatrics and
the Medical Organization for Latino Advancement
(MOLA) in Chicago, USA.