Yurii Rohovyi

Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine

Title: Pathophysiology of the influence of aqueosus diuresis with molecular hydrogen saturation in acute kidney damage


Molecular hydrogen exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits manifestations of oxidative stress, protects against acute kidney injury due to its ability to quickly diffuse through membranes, it can reach and react with cytotoxic active forms of oxygen such as hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite and thereby protect against oxidative damage, manifestations of inflammation and apoptosis. The purpose of the work: To find out the effect of a solution of negative redox potential with a molecular hydrogen saturation of 1.2 ppm on the functional and biochemical processes of the kidneys during acute hemic hypoxia of medium severity, splitting of oxidation and phosphorylation, no-reflow syndrome in the early polyuric stage sublimate nephropathy with a hyposodium diet and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and diarrhea. Experimental studies were performed on 120 sexually mature male rats weighing 0.16-0.20 kg. Clinical studies - 60 patients. Used: pathophysiological, physicochemical, physiological, hematological, histoenzymochemical, microbiological, general clinical, immunoenzymatic, chemiluminescent, biochemical, chemical, statistical methods. The lack of activation of the dysregulatory mechanism of the basal tone of the vessels of the cortical substance of the kidneys during aqueous induced diuresis of negative redox potential with molecular hydrogen saturation compared to negative redox potential without hydrogen saturation with the use of microhydrin was established. The protective effect of molecular hydrogen on the polyuric stage of sublimate nephropathy in relation to the rupture of formed large and small vicious circles due to damage to the proximal tubule against the background of no-reflow syndrome is shown. In patients with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and diarrhea, molecular hydrogen decreased the concentration of malonaldehyde, diene conjugates and increased the enzymatic and non-enzymatic fibrinolytic activity of urine, increased the proximal reabsorption of sodium ions, the general condition of patients according to the Likert scale. Thus, the corrective pathogenetic effect of a solution of negative redox potential saturated with molecular hydrogen on the functional-biochemical processes of the kidneys during acute hemic hypoxia of moderate severity, splitting of oxidation and phosphorylation, no-reflow syndrome at the early polyuric stage of sublimate nephropathy under the conditions hyposodium diet and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and diarrhea.


Chernivtsi State Medical Institute 1979 – 1985. Red diploma. Postgraduate studies 1985 - 1988.WORK EXPERIENCE: [Bukovinian State Medical Academy] [Assistent of the Department Pathological Physiology] 1989–1999.  [Bukovinian State Medical Academy], Associate Professor of the Department Pathological Physiology] 1999–2001. [Bukovinian State Medical Academy] [Professor of the Department Pathological Physiology] 2001–2008. [Bukovinian State Medical University] [Head of the Department Pathological Physiology] 2008 - to present. Candidate of Medical Sciences [1989]. Doctor of Medical Sciences [2001]. Associate Professor [2001]. Full Professor [2002].Ukrainian scientist in the field of pathological physiology. Known for: Scientific works in the field of medicine, pathophysiology of kidneys, water-salt metabolism, biliary peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome, chronobiology, laser polarimetry of biological bodies objects, bioresonance technologies. He participated in the 5th International Congress of Pathophysiologists - June 28 - July 1, 2006, Beijing, China, at which the "Declaration on the role and place of pathophysiology in biomedical culture" was adopted. Awarded a medal in honor of the founders of pathophysiology O.O. Bohomolets and V.V. Pidvysotskyi [2022].